The Winner Was Me!

…and the winner was…
the giveaway winner
You Light Up My Life
This giveaway of a 1-0f-1 Limited Edition framed print ran for the entire month of January, 2024
Gina shares the unboxing on her Instagram ~ read the caption ~ she wrote the sweetest caption!
The feelings are mutual, I assure you!
Thank you for your consistent support of me and my art business, Gina!
what’s new?
Art in the Gallery & A New Series
SEH Studios
Art Gallery
Dover, NH
I am honored to be invited back to SEH Studios, where Susan has generously been representing my art since Nov 2023.
To see the artworks reserved for her gallery, visit my shop, find SEH Studios category, and use the passcode SEH24.
YOU CANNOT purchase these through me, they are only available through SEH.
Susan E. Hanna Oil Paintings – Coastal Art, Landscapes, Lessons (
Stop in! Want me to meet you there? I will👌
In the studio…
A New Series begins
Inspired by LOVE, a special kind of love…. I found myself painting up a storm!
I hadn’t intended to start a new series ~ but intuition and spontaneity are not just my painting style ~ it’s the way I live my life.
A new series of passion, devotion, commitment, and steadfastness is underway and wrapping up quickly.
VIP’s heard the backstory already…. are you a VIP? What is VIP? ….see the next block! 😉😁
Is VIP for me?
Of course it is! 😂
I upload photos and video content to a special group of people ~ they’re the folks who want to see more of me and my work.
They’re also the kind of people who like to know what’s coming next.
They also like first dibs on everything. …you know what dibs are, I hope 😉
They also like to receive free art!!
Sometimes they become VIP Collectors. They do this when they provide their mailing address to receive Living Art. Living art is the real deal.
SIgn up for either, use the contact form! 😊
if you haven’t heard back from me within 48 hours (usually same day!), then something is wrong ~ reach out!
A sampling of my art represented by
SEH Studios Art Gallery, Dover NH

Kissy Fish
They belong together!
✓ great in a white floater frame
✓ great in a black floater frame
keep watching!
Lots more coming ~ I hope you follow along and keep in touch! I’d love that 😊
New Exhibition
Starting March, exhibiting at SEH Studios as a visiting artist.
New Series Release
I will be varnishing and adding the new series to inventory soon ~ expecting to release in March!
What’s the title of the series, you ask?
Check out my Instagram posts below, or follow along with VIP’s in our studio folder to watch progress ~ I uploaded a 5minute video about the backstory 👌
Questions? Comments? Special Requests?
reach out anytime, however is most convenient for you.
Melissa Lea
Marie Florence Designs