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I Need Your Input for my NEW SERIES titled ADD YOUR MARK

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Friends, I am starting a new series of paintings ~
they require YOU!

Update: please see comment section below for updates!

I’ve asked the gallery that represents my art (SEH Studios Art Gallery, Dover NH) to allow me to come into the gallery to meet people and invite them to add their mark to my current art. Add Your Mark!

I am looking to incorporate the energy that I receive from interacting with others, and surrounding myself with beautiful art, into my next series.
You probably know that I am an intuitive artist, in that I paint from imagination without reference ~ I call it a process of response, similar to dancing with a partner.

I would like to respond to you.
I will have mark making media available, and my current pieces ~ and I want you to come visit the gallery and make your mark.

You can write words, or any image or mark, gesture, expression that you feel inspired to add. It can be a response to what is there, or the first marks made on a blank substrate.

Details with times and dates will be announced by the gallery soon.
I will gallery sit and be available to chat art and paint my paintings ~ hopefully with you!!
You might want to subscribe to the gallery’s email list (you’re already subscribed to MFD VIP ART, right??!?? …if not, sign up using the contact form 👌

I’m The Featured Artist for
the Summer Exhibition

I am one of a handful of talented artists curated by Susan Hannah, the gallery owner and artist, currently exhibiting at this quaint gallery on the main street of Dover, NH, 456 Central Avenue.

Being Featured Artist for the exhibition, I was also provided the opportunity to be the artist speaker at the opening reception.

The reception was early in June, but the exhibition continues into August.

My artist talk was a great success, mostly because of the event itself and the people who attended (my talk could have been better, I skipped a couple of important points that I couldn’t remember! argh! lol! nobody seemed to mind!)

There was live music for the first hour ~ so beautiful ~ and then a good number of guests attended, as well as the artists & their guests. The time flew by!

VIEW all Melissa Lea art currently on exhibit at SEH Studios: HERE

Summer Exhibition Featured Artist, Melissa Lea
SEH Studios Art Gallery, Dover NH

My Artist Talk relates to my Wampum story

I’m drafting part 3 of the Wampum Story series of blog posts.
I will share more about my artist talk there, but VIPs have the full 45 minutes of recorded video content in their MFD VIP ART folder👍

Art Sampling from the MFD SHOP

Now almost 70 original art pieces are listed in the shop! ….unfortunately I haven’t completed the setup as yet, so payments and accounts are still not fully functional ~ if you are interested in purchasing an original piece of art, please contact me directly using the contact form, or reach out to the gallery who represents my work: SEH Studios Art Gallery ~ thanks for your patience!

I’m Just Sitting Here Waiting For You
It’s All About The Base
When The Rain Washes You Clean
I’m Feeling Lucky
Expect O.V.E.
use code: seh24 to view details
Your Love’s The Only Love I Need

Awards, Affiliations, Exhibitions & Publications

Marie Florence Designs


  • JULY 5th ~ FIRST FRIDAY ~ 5-8pm
    I will be at SEH with mark making tools ~ please come say hello!!
    The shops in the area all join to stay open until 8pm, and many offer goodies to entice and reward!

  • Can’t make the event in person, but you want to contribute to the new series, Add Your Mark? There are many ways to participate!
    Mail me your marks ~ or email, or message me on social media.
    Add YOUR voice to the song ~ we will sing together!

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